alittle note from me to you...

As a songwriter, you’d think writing about myself would be easy. Truth is, while I love writing from the heart, talking about myself is a different story!

I started performing and writing songs late, in my early 40s. My love for music and journaling began in the early 90s when I set off on a three-year journey to discover myself. Fate soon made me a mum to a wonderful little human who taught me to face challenges and stand tall. The guitar skills I picked up while traveling came in handy for singing Wiggles songs to my son and his friends. Occasionally, I even played for strangers.

It was in my late 30s that I realized fear of failure had held me back from performing publicly. I promised myself to never let fear stop me from doing what I loved. After having my daughter, I worked hard to overcome the anxiety of speaking in front of people, let alone performing on stage.

Now, over a decade later and about to release my fourth release, I look back on the doubts and fears that once held me back. What made the difference was being surrounded by supportive, talented people who shared my love for music and self-expression.

So, am I afraid of failure now? No way. I know it doesn’t exist. There is no failure – only lessons.

I write, create, and perform because it fuels my soul. It has taught me to be honest, open, and real, connecting me with people worldwide who share their stories with me. Life is a constant challenge, and we are always evolving. Never let fear stop you from doing what you want. Aside from my kids, music has been my biggest achievement and thrill.

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  • Premiering June 6, 2024
  • Filmed on Whadjuk Land 
  • Directed by Reilly Stewart & Dan Wilson
  • Produced by Helen Townsend & Shannon Smith

Melbourne Streets

  • Released Feb 2, 2024
  • Filmed on Wardandi Land 
  • Directed by Reilly Stewart 
  • Produced by Helen Townsend & Shannon Smith

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a little inspiration